
Friday, November 1, 2013

NaNoWriMo and more advice

I think up ideas. Lots of them. This month will be no exception. Today is the start of NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, and I'm using my spare moments to complete a novel and prepare to market it. But, there's more going on here. The last couple days I've also juggled:

1.  Kids
2.  Home
3.  Laundry
4.  Bills
5.  Halloween costume alterations
6.  Lending moral support for pumpkin carving
7.  Toasting 15 pumpkin seeds, because that's about how many we managed to save from the gooey, stringy insides of this year's pumpkins 
8.  Writing and research for the next books in my series 
9.  Paperwork and submissions for art competitions and school fundraisers, and more. 

The point is, we all have a lot to balance. Whether you're struggling with a career decision, a difficult stage of raising kids, or something bigger, here's my advice: Make a list of what you hope to accomplish today. Go back over it and rank your top three. Do what you can to meet those goals today, and let the rest go. Just. Let. Go. 

Easier said than done, I know, but if you get one or two things done today you will feel a sense of accomplishment and inspired to move forward tomorrow. I'm taking this advice. I have to, or I'll crack before the time change hits Saturday/Sunday. 

If you needed extra motivation, or support: Here's a link to the Mayo Clinic stress management site, and a link to NaNoWriMo.  

Make it a great day!

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